The Radisson Hotel Parking Structure
The Radisson Hotel Parking Structure is stand-alone but provides direct connection to the adjacent hotel at the ground level. The project is located adjacent to the heavily traveled freeway with convenient access from a primary arterial roadway. Direct vehicular access to the structure minimizes travel distances and provides a secure connection to the hotel property.
The site is triangular and the structure is designed to fit into an acute corner maximizing the available site area for the hotel building, pool area, and pedestrian circulation on site.
In response to this location, the structure façade is made of vertical fins to provide reduced visual access both into and from the structure, while allowing for natural ventilation and lighting. It also provides a strong architectural character that mirrors the geometry and finishes of the hotel building to unify the site.
Our team worked closely with the hotel design architects to integrate the two buildings, and the shared systems, and to optimize vehicular and pedestrian circulation. TRC Parkitects provided several value-enhancing design considerations to greatly improve the structure's constructability, reducing the overall excavation by 1,000 cubic yards of exported soil, and lowering the overall height of the parking structure by 10 feet.